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Заголовок (title): Fase and skin care.
Описание (description): Moisturizing a facial skin - as well an great step, how it turns out that, in preserving a fine there is nothing unimportant Means of purifying the facial skin - it's not makeup remover Excellent pores cover with eggs white Potato cover has always been one of the most efficacious, and against skin wrinkles around the eyes are also excellent help If a skin around a eyes too dry, it dries up and withers, loses its elasticity, easy stretches and wrinkles appear speedily.Effectual work as well causes face care skin wrinkles, however a age when the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes more hard to return to its original state after stretching.Stress and poor nutrition as well contribute to the formation of skin wrinkles, and in these cases, you are especially pronounced, because a facial skin does not have a necessary vitamin, minerals, and speedily starts to fade.Same articles: Face care and aging body Express facials and masks home Skin upkeep to avoid acne Peeling skin - a question familiar to many gerls Almond peeling is used to treat and rejuvenate the skin
H1: Fase and skin care
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Ключевые слова
{'skin': 62, 'and': 48, 'face': 24, 'care': 22, 'facial': 20, 'masks': 11, 'more': 11, 'порно': 10, 'not': 9, 'wrinkles': 9}
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